Thursday, October 11, 2007

Being a mom

I saw this and though it was cute.

1. How long have you been a Mom?

9 months 14 days

2. How many children call you Mommy/Mom/Mama?

My son calls me 'aabm aabm aabm aabm'

3. Girl? Boy? or both?


4. Did you know what you were having?


5. How old were you when you became a Mom?


6. How long were you in labor?

13 hours after I got to the hospital

7. What was your least favorite thing about labor?

Finding out I had to have a c-section

8. Do you want more kids?

Of coarse

9. Do you plan on having more soon?

In about a year

10. Does daddy change diapers?


11. How many times have you been peed on?

to many to count

12. thrown up on?

A lot, but the worst was when we went to the last Harry Potter movies. There was only 20 Min's left and we had to leave.

13. Is your child named after anyone?

His middle name is Randell after his grandpa Zaugg

14. How did you come up with their name(s)?

Byran was opening up the bills and saw the name Edison. Our Power company is Southern California Edison. He told me and I liked it.

15. When your child(ren) gets in trouble, who is the bad guy?

He is to young to really know, but it would have to be both.

16. And who is the good guy?

I would give in to those puppy dog eyes.

17. What is the longest you have been away from your child(ren)?

only a few hours

18. Kids bedtime routine?

when we remember it is a story, family prayer and then a kiss goodnight.

19. Are your toes painted?


20. Last movie you saw in the theater?

Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix, and you saw how that ended.

21. Last time you had a date?

Without Edison, in march. With him Tuesday night we went to dinner.

22. One thing you will not give up just because you are a mom?

taking time for me.

23. One thing you did give up now that you're a mom?

how easy it was to just git up a go.

24. Best Mom you know?

My mom and Byran's mom.

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