Sunday, July 22, 2007

You say tomato, I say tomato.


Funny, I've lived in Utah most of my life and I don't remember the soda vs. pop topic ever coming up. If someone said pop, soda, etc. no one cared. They knew what you meant. Not until I moved to California did people criticize me for calling it 'pop'. Apparently..."In California, we call it soda". Wow...sorry. I didn't mean to offend you.

Why is important that I use the word you prefer? Am I confusing you? Do I make you feel uncomfortable? Is this triggered by some repressed memory you have as a child? ...Maybe "pop" is part of some Communist plot. I'm not sure.

I understand that communication is important in our lives. I just can't invent words and expect you to understand them. But, if you understand the term I just used, is it necessary to correct the term to one more of your liking or to harass me for using that term? What's the point? What is accomplished?



I have nothing against California. It's a great place with some of the nicest complete strangers I've ever met. This post is about people that can't get it past themselves that not everyone thinks, acts, sounds, talks, looks like they do, then treats those people like they are "different".

Oh yeah, I'm a hypocrite myself sometimes.


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