Monday, February 25, 2008

Deceptively Delicious

For Christmas i received a cookbook called Deceptively Delicious and I love it. The recipes are easy with food you would actually eat. The trick to this book is there are pures of fruits and veggies that you snick in. We made chicken salad last night and it was really good. It is a way of eating healthy and making sure Edison gets good eating habits. This is a cookbook I think everyone should have. So go out and get it, you will be so happy.


  1. I got this cookbook for Christmas, but haven't tried the chicken salad yet...sounds yummy! Love the 1920's pic! So cute. It fits his little expression!

  2. Where did you get the pic done? It is adorable!

  3. We got it done at a stand in the West Covina mall.

  4. Oh my gosh that picture of Edison is adorable! Thanks for the tip on the cook book.

  5. Oh my gosh that picture of Edison is adorable! Thanks for the tip on the cook book.
